This week my guest didn’t want to be named, because he’ll be talking about how much of a mess the new entrepreneur visa in Japan is. I was shocked to hear this stuff!

We will talk about:

  • How a 15-minute online form in other countries becomes a 2-month process with tons of pointless steps.
  • How and possible reasons why the information is really disorganised, and often only in Japanese (when this is a visa for foreign entrepreneurs to bring their business to Japan).
  • Different organisations in Japan all involved in the process of applying for the visa don’t talk to each other and don’t know whose responsibility different parts of the process are.
  • The people involved in checking your progress aren’t entrepreneurs and don’t support you, and just seem to want to check boxes rather than see your business succeed in Japan.
  • If you don’t have a strong commitment to starting a business in Japan, like family or a strong desire to be here, then there are other places that are better for starting a business, and the entrepreneur visa isn’t helping to change that very much.

Here’s where you can find some more information about getting a consultation from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website. Thanks to a member of the community for a website with a basic outline of the entrepreneur visa process here, and you can go to TOSBEC to get information on paper and through consultations.

Why not Tokyo indeed?

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