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This is the ultimate guide for job hunting in Japan built from years of experience and REAL results.
If you are sick and tired of your measly ¥250k per month teaching salary, this is the book that will show you how to make much, much more.
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My Experience Getting Coronavirus in Japan
I assumed it wasn’t Covid when I felt much better the next day. It was much like getting a regular cold. Then I got the call that I had tested positive for coronavirus.
Work in Japan Without Speaking Japanese
Can you get a job in Japan without knowing Japanese in 2020? The short answer is a resounding YES, but there is more to it than that. Let us explain:
The REAL Reasons Why Japanese People Can’t Speak English
Why does Japan have such low rates of English ability compared to countries that spend less than half the time in school and spend far less money on education?

The Japan Success Podcast!
Don’t waste 40+ hours a week doing something you don’t love and don’t feel passionate about.
Listen to the podcast where I talk to the most inspiring teachers, freelancers and entrepreneurs in Japan so you can learn the secrets of their success.